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Best Travel Agency for China Tours - Travel Tour China

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  • Tsetang Hotel 日期:2018-11-06 18:29:11 点击:81 好评:0

    Tsetang Hotel is the largest as well as the highest star hotel in the Lhoka area and locates in the center of town about 20 minutes’ walk from the entrance of the old Tibetan quarter....

  • Yalong River Hotel 日期:2018-11-06 18:23:53 点击:156 好评:0

    Shannan Yalong River Hotel is located in Tsetang Town, accommodation area of Lhoka - the cradle of Tibetan nations and culture....

  • Nyingchi Hotel 日期:2018-11-06 17:43:23 点击:59 好评:0

    Nyingchi Hotel is a four-star hotel with well-equipped facilities and good service....

  • Nyingchi Impression Hotel 日期:2018-11-06 17:35:46 点击:70 好评:0

    Nyingchi Impression Hotel is a four-star hotel featuring in various rooms and convenient transportation. ...

  • Tashi Choten Hotel 日期:2018-11-06 17:23:27 点击:63 好评:0

    Shigatse Tashi Choten Hotel is a four-star hotel combining the function of accommodating, business, meeting, dinning and sightseeing....
